How to Vacation Without Losing all your Health and Fitness Progress

Vacation is a time to get away, relax and enjoy yourself but it doesn’t mean we have to blow all our progress we have made on our healthy journey. Here are five easy tips to keep you on track while enjoying your much need R & R!

  1. Stay active. Try a new fitness class, go on a hike, bike, swim or take a walking tour to explore new sites. Think of exercise on vacation as a different and fun way to incorporate your new healthy lifestyle.
  2. Sometimes we consume a little more alcohol when we are vacationing. A good rule I try to follow is for every alcoholic beverage I consume, I follow it with 8-10 ounces of water. It will help you not get so dehydrated and will assist in flushing the alcohol out of your body quicker.
  3. Start each day with a healthy breakfast. Go for a good protein and some fiber such as fruit, nuts or oats.
  4. Try to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep on your vacation. Your body needs sleep to metabolize fat and to burn off the food you have consumed.
  5. And finally, let yourself indulge but not all day every day. Choose wisely with what you would like to splurge on and try not to go overboard.

Vacation is a great time to get away and to enjoy yourself but it can also really hurt some people’s progress as far as losing weight or trying to change old habits. Don’t give up traveling, just make your journey a little healthier and you will be much happier!

And when you return from vacation, check out LSPT. We have some great classes for you to join in August! Our monthly calendar is below.