Start Training Today

The longer you wait, the further you’re getting from your goal. Those calories aren’t burning themselves. Make the commitment to be healthy. I’ll be your partner every step (or plank or squat) of the way.


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Lindsey Stinson, Owner

I am a certified personal trainer through the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America. I own LSPT and love helping people feel good about themselves!

I am also a mother of three wonderful boys and a wife to an amazing man!


  • Mayors council
  • Tribune reader choice awards
  • 2nd Place Personal Trainer, Inside Columbia
  • 2nd Place Gym, Inside Columbia


Meet the Team

We have 3 additional trainers who will help you on your healthy journey! No matter your age, your ability or your situation, we understand you and have solutions to help you reach your goals!


Lesley Hane, Trainer

Lesley has been certified as a body pump instructor and loves teaching the 30 minute HIIT classes and on Saturday mornings!

Karissa Jeffries, Trainer

Karissa is certified through AFFA as a group fitness trainer and enjoys challenging her bootcamp classes with new and fun exercises!

Cassie Kauffman, Trainer

Cassie is certified through a variety of Les Mills classes as a group fitness trainer. She likes to engage her classes with hard workouts all to the beat of music.


All LSPT trainers are certified and will make adjustments suitable for your fitness level. We are dedicated to making your gym experience enjoyable and helping you to push yourself to the next level! Our gym is very welcoming, and we will help you reach your results!!