As I write you today, the weather is beautiful for a Sunday in February in Mid-Missouri. Warmer weather helps me be so much more productive. Seasonal Depression is very prevalent during this time of year in colder parts of the country where winter is harsh. I know it affects me and my friends and family. Here are a few tips that help me break away from my winter blues.


  1. Get out and get some sun. When it’s sunny, I do my best to try to soak up some of that vitamin D. It is a proven fact that vitamin D can help your mood and your health. Even if it’s cold, I try to go on a brisk walk or even sit in my car in the sun to help with my mood.
  2. Stay Active! Exercise is key with any type of mood disorders. I know I can change my mood by getting in a good workout.
  3. Stay Busy! Get events on your calendar and don’t cancel them. Schedule your gym time, lunch with friends, volunteer, a date night, etc… Having places where you need to be will help you not just stay at home away from people.
  4. Eat healthy. A healthier diet can really help better your attitude and desires to be active. If you eat too much of those comfort foods which are usually high in carbs and sugars, they can cause irritability, fatigue and laziness.
  5.  Get a workout partner. Having someone or some place who expects you to be there will help you not skip your workouts and give you that extra accountability you need during these winter months.

Please join us in March at LSPT to help you FEEL better because YOU matter!!!

The 5 a.m. group uses each other as support for those early morning workouts.