Happy Holidays and New Year Special

I would like to wish each and everyone of you a very Happy Holiday Season! I hope it is filled with joy, love and special moments!
LSPT is so excited to kick off a brand new year with all of you!! 2020 was rough (to say the least) but we want to make this next year our very best yet!!🎉
With your help, I want to meet your goals, grow LSPT and continue to spread health and joy across our community!🥰
So let’s begin by running an awesome New Year Special and bringing a friend to join us in a safe and happy environment!❤
In January, bring a NEW friend to join LSPT (or one who has not been here in 3 months) and you both can do our unlimited package for $75 each. Such a great deal and it will be an awesome way for you to dedicate January to getting back on track! Our unlimited package includes access to all the classes we offer at the gym, body measurements and nutrition counseling. 💪
We will also have a few contest to keep us motivated next month including biggest percentage of weight loss, most classes attended and most inches lost!! All rewarded with awesome prizes! 😍
Cheers to a Healthy and Happy 2021! Grab and friend & reserve your spot by signing up today!