When you want to make a health change in your life, figuring out your WHY is very necessary. Take a look at my client’s journey of the the last year of losing 100 lbs. and her reason for doing so!! It’s never too late to start feeling better!

Christi’s 100 lb. Weight Loss Journey

I started my journey to a healthy lifestyle, both nutritionally and physically, in June 2019. My entire life has been a yo-yo of losing weight and gaining weight.  There were pills, diets, programs; anything and everything was tried.  I would lose weight. Love the way I felt, then slowly I would gain the weight back. Maybe, even a little more. It was as if I said to myself, “Okay, I did it.” It was always a thing to achieve then once achieved, everything would go back to my unhealthy normal.

In June 2019, I was at my heaviest and I knew if I wanted to be around for my grandkids, I had to do something. In addition to that, my 40th class reunion was coming up in 2020 and I did not want to see everyone, looking the way I looked.  I know that is vain, but I knew that would be a motivator for me. So, I talked to my doctor and she agreed to prescribe phentermine and Topamax to help give me a boost to start losing weight. We discussed the importance of nutritional eating and exercise, in addition to the medication. Since, I was already working out at LSPT, the exercise component was being met. My husband was already cooking healthy; I just needed to make a few modifications. One modification was to stop eating fast food. I would treat it as a reward because I always ate Mike’s healthy dinners; a Chick-Fil-A sandwich wouldn’t hurt, or two pieces of pizza isn’t that bad, I would rationalize. Another change was to stop eating just because I was bored. This mostly occurred at night. A bowl of ice cream or a fudge pop every night. It wasn’t that I was hungry, I was just in the habit of eating something while sitting on the couch watching tv.

While at LSPT, Lindsey helped me realize how different foods affected me physically. Of course, I knew foods consisted of calories, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. However, I had never really paid attention to how each nutrient affected me. She encouraged me to use the application, My Fitness Pal, and set up nutritional goals for me.  I began logging everything that went in my mouth. I was amazed to find out that a banana, had so many carbohydrates! I mean, it was a piece of fruit! And, my whole life people have been telling me to eat more fruit. Now that I wanted to, I find out some of the only fruits I would eat had so many carbs. So, using the app really did help keep me focused on what foods I should eat. At first, I balked at it because it felt like another chore. But, after adjusting my calorie intake and paying attention to how many carbs and proteins were in foods, I could see the difference it was making. In addition to the medicine, exercise and logging my food intake, I could see my body was reacting! Each week, I could see the results on my scale and then my clothes started fitting better. Before my eyes, I was getting in better shape. Yes, I was losing weight, but I was also gaining muscle with the help of Lindsey. And, muscle burns more calories. A win-win! By Christmas, I had lost about 25 pounds. That was nice, but it wasn’t where I wanted to be. Fortunately, my mind-set was strong and even over Christmas I was able to lose a couple more pounds. I was able to enjoy the holidays because I realized I could enjoy various foods, I just had to be mindful of what was going in my body and eat in moderation.

2020 arrived and all aspects of my journey was heading in the right direction. I had adjusted to the types of foods I could and would eat. I was exercising and toning my body at LSPT. Working out and just moving my body in various exercise positions made waking up each morning without back and leg pain a wonderful benefit. Even my sleeping patterns had become better. Then COVID hits! We had to quarantine. Classes at LSPT were adjusted to virtual classes. I did them for a while but was not disciplined enough to stick with it. However, I did start walking in our neighborhood. My sister would join me and we started walking about 1 ½ miles a few times a week. If she couldn’t go, I would still go. We worked up to about two miles each trip. At one point, she was able to go back to work, thus didn’t have the time to go every day. Because I saw and felt a difference in my body and my psyche, I continued to walk. One day I would push myself to walk a little farther than the last day. Two miles turned into three, then I would work a little harder and three turned into four. I think because I didn’t have any responsibilities (picking up kids from school, letting dogs out for family, volunteering) I was able to walk whenever and however long I wanted to. Walking up and down our road, I would see many of the same people over and over again. They would drive by and we would wave. Probably, around June or July 2020, I had traded my loose sweatpants for leggings (I have never worn leggings my entire life!) and my oversized t-shirts for actual fitted workout tops. I even began using hand weights while walking. There were a several times when passerby would stop me and acknowledge the change in my body and walking style.  One man even simulated me walking sluggish to walking with speed! Anyway, they encouraged me to keep going; they applauded my accomplishment. I kept moving!

June 2020 was when we were supposed to have our 40th class reunion. I had lost about 75 pounds by then. But, because of COVID it was postponed. One of my motivations for losing weight was cancelled. This didn’t deter me! Actually, it has given me more motivation, because I want to feel the way I feel now in 2021 when we are planning to celebrate our 41st class reunion!

In September 2020, I reached my original goal of losing 100 pounds. My blood pressure was normal, I was starting to wear a smaller size (actually, a few smaller sizes), and I wasn’t snoring as bad anymore. Even though, I could wear a smaller size pant, my upper legs and the area behind my knees had some sagging skin. For all I had achieved, I still had ugly legs! So, I remembered how tone my body was when I worked out at Lindsey’s and decided I needed to go back. She would lead me in exercises that will help get my legs firmer. I have been back to LSPT for about a month and have lost another seven pounds and feel my muscles getting tighter. Not only is she toning my legs, but my arms and stomach – just my whole body – as well! I am still walking, now up to six miles, but adding personal training two times each week is giving me additional exercise and motivation to reach my new goal of 125 pounds.

As I reflect on my journey, I have made a lifestyle change. Before I eat anything, I look at the nutritional benefit. Do I want to eat these carbs or switch to something else with more protein? I realize some carbohydrates are beneficial; however, I have really made it an objective to eat as few carbs as possible. Keeping this in the back of my head has helped me – protein good – carbs bad. I’m not a Nazi about it, but I do keep my carbs count to as few as possible.

Working out with Lindsey and walking, continue to be part of my routine. And maintaining my food log in the My Fitness Pal application keeps me on track. I have so much more energy and desire to be active with my kids and grandbabies and being active in their lives is very important to me. – Christi


LSPT would love to help you reach your goals. Contact us today to find out about our Last 90 Days Challenge or other options to help you change your life for the better!