Lindsey’s Top 5 Small Changes for a Healthier Year!

You have heard it before and I believe it’s true…Your healthy transformation is a marathon, not a sprint. Finding a good balance of healthy eating, working out, the occasional drink or two and that scoop of ice cream every now and then, is how I live my life and how I want you to live yours. Here are my top 5 steps for you to transition into a healthier lifestyle which you can maintain forever.

  1. Eat clean 80% of the time. Try to make meals at home that include fresh produce and lean proteins. It does not need to be super complexed or some fancy meal. Find foods you enjoy and make them in a healthy clean way. The Internet is full of clean recipes including the LSPT Cookbook at
  2. Eat Breakfast Every Day. Start your day off with a protein-rich breakfast that includes some good fat and fiber! Your body needs it to burn fat and to give you energy for the day. Try to eat within an hour of waking up or 30 minutes after your morning workout.
  3. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water. This will take some time to accomplish but once you get in the habit it is quite simple. You will make it a daily occurrence which will benefit your digestion, make your skin look better and help you not feel as hungry.
  4. Get a good night’s sleep. Sleep is crucial for weight loss and your overall health. It helps improve your immune system and allows you to make better food choices. Lack of sleep triggers your brain to crave bad carbohydrates and raises your anxiety level.
  5. Eat the colors of the rainbow! The more bright, vibrant veggies and fruit you eat, the better you will feel. You will also have more energy and you will start replacing the junk food in your diet with healthy nutrient-rich fuel.

Getting healthy and staying this way is what we want to accomplish, not a quick fix! You can do this. Give yourself time and challenge yourself to some great new long-term changes!