Having a Plan Will Take You Far!

Changing your lifestyle to make yourself healthier just does not happen overnight. You need to have a plan to help you along the way. I am not saying you must do a certain diet or type of exercise, but if you are not prepared each day on what you are going to do and eat, a healthy lifestyle will be hard to achieve.  Here are a few of my tips for you to conquer this quest.

Set Realistic Goals

I always tell my clients that “Rome was not built in a day.” Therefore, don’t set your goals so high at first that they are hard to obtain. Set weekly, monthly, and 6-month goals. Once you have reached those, reassess and set new ones. Be specific about what you are wanting to accomplish with your health and make a plan around these goals to help you be successful.

Get Help

Find a person to help you along this journey. You do not clean your own teeth, or give your own flu shot, so why not go to an expert to help you figure out how to get healthy. It is worth every penny and will assist you in figuring out your new routine to allow you to reach your goals faster.

Be Prepared – Have a Routine

The key to being healthy is having a plan! Each week, you need to plan out your food and schedule your workouts. This is the NUMBER 1 way to ensure your success and to stay on track. Not having your food prepped leads to bad choices and is a recipe for disaster. Also, treat your workouts like a business meeting. You do not cancel on your boss so why cancel on yourself?? Having group classes or a trainer to hold you accountable are a couple of ways to make sure you get in your much-needed exercise.

Make a Commitment

Losing weight and staying healthy is a long-term commitment. It won’t happen overnight and there’s no quick fix. Some days you will want to throw in the towel and maybe you do, but get right back on it the next day. Life is not easy but when you feel good about yourself and your health, handling day to day activities becomes a lot easier. You are worth every bit of time, effort and dollar to stay on track…BECAUSE YOU MATTER!